Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The best laid plans...

of mice and men, oft' times go awry!!

Julia is being put on hold until the Fall. I have come to the realization that I cannot get a sculpt done while the kids are at home. It is just too hard to concentrate, and I am constantly being interrupted. So.. I am going to concentrate on simple and easy dolls from here on out until my days become my own again.

I found some unfinished doll bodies, and decided to make some Raggedy Annies. I haven't made an Annie in years! They are the dolls I started out making, so it has been fun doing a few again! My 9 year old Isabel loves them!


Debra said...

I have given your blog an award- just go to my blog to pick it up!

Dixie Redmond said...

Oh, Annie - she's adorable. So huggable looking!