- Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both.
- Real tree or artificial? Artificial. My hubby insists, or I would have real. This year we bought a pre-lit tree and it really is beautiful. I hate putting lights on.
- When do you put up the tree? The Sunday after Thanksgiving.
- When do you take the tree down? After the feast of the Epiphany-Jan.6.
- Do you like egg nog? Love it! Especially with a little Bailey's! "wink!"
- Favorite gift received as a child? Victoria! A beautiful Madam Alexander baby doll.
- Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, of course!
- Hardest person to buy for? My brother who is a catholic priest.
- Easiest person to buy for? My two daughters. I could buy stuff for them all day!
- Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? Handmade in the mail.
- Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I love everything anyone ever takes the time to pick out for me. However I always do really badly in grab-bags!
- Favorite Christmas movie?It's a Wonderful Life, followed closely by Meet Me in St. Louis.
- When do you start shopping for Christmas? After Thanksgiving.
- Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes.
- Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? One of my brother's parishioners always gives him a tin of the absolute best cookies ever made, anywhere, anytime. I can't even describe!
- Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored this year, I have done both. I actually prefer white, but my kids have protested and my cute little primitive tree and ornies have been put aside in favor of the traditional.
- Favorite Christmas song? "The Christmas Song"
- Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay in town.
- Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comit, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen, and of course old twinkle -nose!
- Angel on the tree top or a star? Star
- Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? With my extended family on Christmas eve, and at home with the immediate family on Christmas morning.
- Most annoying thing about this time of year? This sounds really bad, but its the people who come to church who never come the rest of the year. They are noisy and disrespectful, and make it very hard to concentrate on the mass. But I always try to be nice and welcoming anyway. Last year there were 3 teenagers in front of me, one was reading a magazine, one could not stop whispering and bugging her sisters and one was knitting!
- Favorite ornament theme or color? I have an extensive snowman collection!
- Favorite thing for Christmas dinner? Whatever. I never cook, so I am happy with whatever my family makes.
- What do you want for Christmas this year? For a couple of peaceful hours with my family to enjoy each others company.
Also, I was the lucky recipient of a hand stamped Christmas card and old willow thread from Belgium! Thank you SO much, who ever you are!!