My weekend hasn't been as productive as I had hoped. The kids are off school today for Presidents Day, so it is a long weekend. I feel like all I have done is clean the same areas over and over, while they just come right behind me and mess it up again! Oh well!
I am still plugging away on the third house of HOHRH. I am almost done with it. The new charts for Mary Beale's Days of Advent came out-they are lovely. I don't know when I will be getting back to this one as I am so involved in other things. I only have the first block done, and I am finding the chosen fabric hard to work on. I wish I would have gotten a Lakeside Linen for this. I am considering a fabric change before I go any further, but that means I will have to stitch Adam and Eve over again. That just makes me want to throw the whole thing into the WIP pile! Yikes!