I am working on another oil painted doll. She is a black baby too, and I'm going to make her the cutest bonnet!
I also have a few new canvases that I bought at Dick Blick(I am proud to say I am now a preferred customer and receive a 10% discount everytime I go there! So cool!)I snuck in there last Sunday when I had to take Lucas for his tux for prom. He is my jr. and he looks SOOO handsome in his tux, wow! I can't wait to get pictures!I will definitely post them! So anyway, I hope to get a few more mixed media pieces done.
Last night I went to guild(I belong to the EGA) and even though I haven't been stitching in a while I still really enjoy going because I have some really nice friends there. I also need to get designing on some new needlework patterns. Why am I so fractured? I just like to do so many different things, its hard to stick with just one!
Here is a pic of some dolls I dug out of the basement. I hope to get them finished up soon.