Wow! I have really let thew time get away from me!I have been very distracted lately. May was insane, and then all 3 of my younger kids had different last days of school this year. But they are finally all out and we have been trying to get into a summer groove, but it has been hard!
Last weekend we went to visit Loras college in DuBuque Iowa. Chelsea has decided she wants to teach theology, so that is one of the schools we are looking at. We loved it! Who knew DuBuque was such a charming city? It's right on the Mississippi river so it is very hilly and scenic.

After our college visit we went to Wisconsin Dells to frolic away the rest of the weekend. It was really fun, but I am still recovering! I am so tired this week! We haven't had any sunshine since we got back, and that doesn't help!
L to R: Lucas, Chelsea, my hubby Gary,Isabel and Aidan

And of course if you go to the Dells you have to have a hardy lumberjack breakfast at Paul Bunyans! Here is a pic of the kids with their grandmother! She is amazing! 83 and still kickin!

I am still working on new releases! I have one finished and going to the framers tomorrow. It is called Colonial Gardener. Here is a sneak peek!