I am really enjoying working on this! I wish I had more time to do so. I have 2 new designs coming out in April, hopefully in time for the Online Needlework Show. One is complete and just needs the rest of the charting done, and the other I am still stitching~yikes! It has a hemstitch border, and I haven't even gotten to that point yet! But its hard because as some other bloggers put it, I am "jonesing" for Hohrh! I just want this one finished and on my wall right now!!(can you hear the whine!) hehe!

My kids are home on spring break this week, which is really nice on the one hand, they sleep in! Also they are getting older and I know how much I'm going to miss them when they all go their separate ways. So I try to spend as much time with them as possible while still getting all of my work done. So far we have had all cold and wet weather. So much for getting out and doing some yard work this week!