Finally... I am done with my doll deadline! I am having a pattern published in Soft Dolls & Animals magazine in December, and the deadline was this week. So I have been going crazy trying to get it all together. It is a pattern for the Snow Queen above in the foreground. The finished doll has a crown and scepter and it dressed in a French style costume. I sent it off yesterday with a great *sigh* of relief. NOW!! BACK TO STITCHING-HOORAY!!
And finally...my first cross stitch design is ready at the framers. I will be picking it up on wednesday or thursday. It took forever, so I am going to have to get another framer-you know how impatient I am. :)
I am about 3/4 done with the model for my next cross stitch design too! So hopefully I will have that one finished and ready for press by the end of the month. So after what felt like a long sluggish summer is finally coming to fruition. The kids are back in school and I can breathe again! Woot!