a cheerful pot of flowers! |
My life has been like a runaway train lately!
The entire month of August and September were almost entirely given over to the wedding. With my daughter in school, working and interning she didn't have much time for wedding preparations! And on top of that we had to be all crafty and make everything ourselves...um a little like re-inventing the wheel.
the minute the wedding was over I got sick!
And started suffering from insomnia!!
A double whammy!
Yesterday was the firsy day I began to feel like a human again!
While I was sick I picked up my cross stitch, for the first time in
Which is completely and totally inexcusable, since I have a serial sampler design that is not even finished. :(
I'm so ashamed! Bad! Bad designer!
But I DID pick it up again with renewed vigor for getting it finished!
It is the very last installment of the
Quilty Newighborhood Sampler
Here is the sampler so far:
See! Almost done! Last chart for this series. So, its coming! Its on its way. It just took a 2 week bout of the nastiest virus I have had in a long time to get me back to it!