Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Working on my last dolls


  I am finishing up a commision this week, 2 custom dolls. These are the last dolls I will be making for a while. I am so ready to move on to other projects, and I have really been bit by the quilting bug. It is awesome, I haven't felt this inspired for a long time. I have visions of applique dancing in my head! LOL!



Heirlooms by Ashton House said...

She is lovely, Annie. And I can definitely relate to being bitten by the quilt bug! I've been addicted to quilting for the past 15 years!

Deb said...

Your doll is absolutely lovely Annie.

If you're getting bitten by the quilting bug, visit my blog. I'm having a Go! Baby giveaway. It would help cutting out shapes!

The Humble Stitcher said...

Your doll is beautiful, Annie but I understand what you mean about wanting to move on to other projects. I can't seem to do one thing for too long at a time until I find myself wanting to get working on some other type of stitching. That's what keeps it fun...and interesting!!!

Unknown said...

Love your dolls, they are adorable!

Karen said...

The doll is beautiful. I like her face so well.

bekahjane said...

She is quite lovely!!

Anonymous said...

WoW! that was really adorable.. wonderful creation.=D
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Anonymous said...

I like your work, they are beautiful
have a good day