I am so excited about combining my website and all of my different interests and wares on one (ok, actually 2 counting Picturetrail, where you will go to view all of my patterns) central location.

To celebrate the opening of my new blog and on general "New Beginnings" I am having a give-away! Just reply to this post to be entered in the drawing. I will be giving away a small dollmakers care package, including:
A brand new Frozen Charlotte still in the package from the Gateway Arch in St. Louis,MO.
A Stilletto from Gail Wilson Designs~these are great for moving work through the sewing machine, and for arranging gathers!
A Fiber Comb for doll hair also from Gail Wilson Designs~these are great for smoothing out mohair while wigging your doll.
A package of 24 vintage pearl buttons from my own stash in sizes 1/4 and 3/8, perfect for dolls!
An Annie Beez Folk Art pattern of your choice!
And a few other little suprizes you'll only get to see if you win!
And coming soon:

Julia(my 2nd prototype will be up for sale this week on ebay!)
Hi, thank you for this great giveaway, I love your patterns and your blog!
Annie - your new blog looks really great ! And Julia is wonderful !
hugs Lone
Looks wonderful Annie! I love all the clothes you do for your dolls and I am going to order a pattern now, first sale from the blog today? Have a wopnderful day! Edyth
I have admired your works for such a long time. You are such a talent!!
Thank you!
Kitsch N Sink Studio
Great Blog - Great Grand Opening - Great Dolls - Did I say Great.
Your blog is so easy to move around in. I enjoyed looking at all the dolls and extras.
Sandra Hart
Congrats on the grand opening:o)!! Please, Please add my name into your giveaway!!
Annie,your new blog looks wonderful!I LOVE Julia,too!Her dress is fantastic!Best of luck to you with this blog!What a wonderful giveaway!Please add my name:).
Yippee! A giveaway, and from one of my fav doll artists to boot! Thanks for the opportunity and I look forward to reading your blog!
Hi Annie! Love your work, Julia is gorgeous! Please add my name to your giveaway. I have a blog, but still don't know what I'm doing, so here's my email-rankat20@msn.com
Annie, wonderful work as usual. I love how you are able to bridge the old with the new. And the faces, oh my oh my oh.
Kate Erbach
Wee, a giveaway! Count me in!
Congratulations Annie!! Your new blog is wonderful!!
Julia is absolutely beautiful!!
What a great gieveaway!! Please add me too:)!
hello Annie!
Love your dolls, great blog.
Hi Annie~ Love the look of your new blog. I've fixed the link from my blog to yours to reflect your new site.
What fun!
Sign me up, Annie!
i just found your blog. I love your folk dolls. I'd love to be entered in your drawing.
summerplaceestate @ yahoo (dot) comm
I enjoy your new blog and plan to visit often. Thank you for your generous give away.
I have been awe of your many artistic talents for many years..Your dolls are my favorite.i think I own every one of your patterns!!I am thrilled to see you have a new blog!!
Hugs Sherrie
Count me in! Love the new blog :)
Great blog Annie, love the new doll on Ebay too! Hope she brings a bundle! Annie Hudson
Annie,Your new blog is wonderful...and your talent ...AMAZING...the best to you on your new Blog adventure...I think I will run over to your place and take some lessons...on dollmaking...bloggin...and all else you have to share...
Or you can run over here...I will put the coffee pot on..and pop the chocolate muffins in the oven....
ladyjanes emporium
What a talented artist you are. I look forward to seeing more of your work and visiting your blog. Thanks for leaving a post on mine too.
Wow i'm so impressed with your talent! I'll be back often to check in! Thanks so much for your comment and advice on my blog. It's hard sometimes trying to figure out men and dating in general :o)
Oh your dolls are wonderful! I will be back to look at everything.... Their faces are just amazing!
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