My newest pattern release is Dorothy! She is a 26 inch pumpkin head folk doll made of muslin, with needle sculpted features which are sealed , painted, and enhanced with artists pencils. This pattern will be ready approximately May 1st. Preorders are being taken now. If you would like to pre-order a pattern, the price is $13.49 with shipping in the US. To pre-order email me at:
Annie, Love your dolls!! I'm a wannabe dollmaker, myself. I collect handmade dolls, and have made a collector of my daughter and granddaughters, too. I admire you so! Thanks for stopping by my blog...which is humble in comparison to yours! I'm adding you to my frequent visits list.
Deb in FL
I adore your dolls! Just in awe of what you do. I am a doll collector and wannabe maker, myself. But have never really taken the plunge!! LOL I've added you to my frequent visits blogs...and thank you for visiting mine. Love your blog!! Deb in FL
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