Well, I finally was forced to solve my camera dilemna! This has been going on for some time, and was mainly me not wanting to spend the money on a new camera! Dumb! Should've just done it long ago, but you know, there always some other expense that comes up. Anyhoo, on Halloween night while we were going around the neighborhood with Isabel trick or treating, dd #1 dropped the camera I have been using and it went skidding across the street! That was the end of that! So I was forced to do the research and get out there and get a new camera.
I bought a Canon PowershotA630 with 8 megapixels. I'm still learning how to use it, but so far I'm quite impressed. It takes wonderful close-ups.
I even took my Pilgrim Cat off of ebay because the improvised pictured with my old pieced together and loved to death Kodak were just SO inferior! They actually made my piece look BAD! But now she's up again, with a last chance to find a home for the holidays! The pics are SO much better! Ain't she a cutie? I hope someone will still be willing to give her a home with Thanksgiving so close now. Ah well, live and learn!!