Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fairy Queene of Hearts

Hey guys!
Happy 2015!!

Just wanted to pop in and let you know I've got a new doll for sale coming up on the 

This is my Fairy Queene of Hearts!
She is a perfect mash up of my two current obsessions-mixed media paintings and cloth dolls!

I have been painting and art journaling a lot lately. But I still really enjoy working on dolls. 
I just love doing faces, either on dolls or in a journal. 
Here are some of my painted faces:

They are so much fun to do!
                    These are from my art journal, but I hope to do some as paintings for sale soon.
Here's another one:
This is a painting I made for one of my kids for Christmas. 
It is layers of collage and paint on watercolor paper. 
See the circuit board in the background?
 When I found that I knew it was perfect because my son (who I painted this for) 
is a computer engineer. 
This painting is about creatures and their longing for their maker. 
My son loved it!
Hope to see you on PFATT On the 10th!


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

More art journal.
 I'm really getting back in full swing!!


Friday, November 28, 2014

New New New!!

Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday Sale!!

Starting NOW everything in my Etsy Shop is on sale!

25% off!!!

Just use coupon code ANNIEBEEZ25
Sale ends at midnight on Monday, December 1st!

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!!
{{Warm huggz}}
To all of you!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened...

on the way through this artful journey.
 I had pretty much set aside painting, since spending all of my time doing so was NOT paying off.
 I have not been able to market my paintings much at all,
 and after all, I have bills to pay.
 So I went back to publishing craft patterns, mostly sewing, and making primitive dolls.
Then out of the blue came a quiet little convo on my Etsy shop. A local shop owner had seen my work on there and loved it! She wanted to carry my paintings on consignment in her shop. And she pays well!! 
I eagerly took all of my work in to her shop, and there they all are.
 All of my paintings, cards and even a pumpkin head (which I threw in for good measure! LOL!)
So this has given me the excuse to pull out all of my art journal supplies and splash around! The water seems a little warmer and there is a faint little stripe of "hope" on the horizon!
Maybe something will sell.
We'll see.

This is called White Winter

And my beloved whimsy characters!

Primitive Santa with Star

This guy is available this month on PFATT Marketplace!

I had so much fun making him! Santas are not historically my thing. I usually go for the dolls with the girly dresses; where I can add lots of vintage lace, pintucks and embroidered embellishments!
 But this guy was in there just wanting to come out! LOL!
He comes with a prim candy cane, and holds a star cookie! Lots of rusty tin jingle bells adorn his coat!
His beard is made of raw sheep's wool and has been needle felted.

Primitive Hanging Santa is available on PFATT Marketplace this month.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Orders will remain open until October 31,2014, Thank you!

Hello folks! I will only be taking orders on this doll until October 31.
Thank you so much!

I am so excited to be able to offer a limited number of Hester dolls made to order!

To order a doll just use the Paypal button below to either pay the deposit($42.50) or pay in full($85.00). The price includes shipping in the US.
Hester a 30" folk doll (small pumpkinhead not included)

Hester Deposit ($42.50):

Hester Paid in Full ($85.00):

If you are interested in a doll and are outside the US please email me for a price quote.

If you would like to pay by personal check please email me.

Email me:

Here are a few more pictures of Hester, just for fun!

Thank you so much!