Thursday, July 9, 2009

Political Statement Ahead!! Caution!

Please forgive me, I know this blog is not about politics. But I am so appalled and shocked today I cannot be silent. Those who know me well, know that I am pro-life. I am for life in every case. I feel abortion is selfish and murder. So there is it.
The New York Times is publishing an interview with Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, our out-going supreme court justice. This article is so telling about her politics and radical feminism. Please people! We have to understand the link between abortion and eugenics!! Don't know what eugenics is? It is the ideology embraced by Hitler, in which society is "perfected" by the weeding out of "undesirables"! Here is what Ruth Bader-Ginsberg just said:

"Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of."

This is eugenics people! This is the same idea that drove Hitler! This is what Margaret Sanger-the founder of Planned Parenthood believed in! If you don't think this affects you, you are wrong! Our country has embraced infanticide and its all downhill from there! All people deserve life! All! PEOPLE are not undesirable!

OK, I'm sorry to burden you all with this, I am just so shocked to find out that this is the belief system of someone making policy in our country.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A little progress

OR...a VERY little progress! I have mostly been model stitching, which I can't show, yet!. Here is a little I have gotten done on This is the Day:

Not much to go, just filling in the white and the over 1 words in the box!

And here is a little bit more of Houses of Hawk Run Hollow. I wish I had more time to work on this! I am loving it so much now that I have switched to 32 and 2 strands. I took it with me on vacation, but you know how THAT goes!!:)

Friday, June 19, 2009


First of all, thank you for all of the dear comments about our beloved dog whom we lost this week. I appreciate your sentiments so much. He will be missed, and after 17 years it is just weird not to have him here! There is definitely an emptiness without him.

I love tea! I love to make myself a pot of tea in the afternoon, sit down and pick up my latest embroidery. I do not have a nice tea set, what I do have is a mish-mash of tea components that do not match! I have a silver tea tray(not real silver), a blue floral tea pot, a little glass creamer, a pink floral tea bag holder(which I usually use to set my spoon on) and a set of real china tea cups from Japan with a gorgeous rose pattern(which my mother-in-law brought from Japan when she came here and has now given to me). But I enjoy this little collection almost every day.I am saving up to buy this tea set:

I really like these:
I have ordered the pattern and intend to make these for myself. I love the Crab Apple Hill patterns-they are all so cute! Do you ever do this type of stitchery? I like it as a break from cross stitch once in a while. I goes very, very fast. It seems I always get the urge to do this type of stitchery in the summer.
And almost every August I get the urge to work on a quilt.I never finish any quilt though, maybe this will be the year! I have one started from last year, a Blackbird design. I should really drag it out and get started on it.
Well thanks for putting up with my meandering thoughts. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sorry to have been so remiss...(long post!)

Wow! I have really let thew time get away from me!I have been very distracted lately. May was insane, and then all 3 of my younger kids had different last days of school this year. But they are finally all out and we have been trying to get into a summer groove, but it has been hard!

Last weekend we went to visit Loras college in DuBuque Iowa. Chelsea has decided she wants to teach theology, so that is one of the schools we are looking at. We loved it! Who knew DuBuque was such a charming city? It's right on the Mississippi river so it is very hilly and scenic.

After our college visit we went to Wisconsin Dells to frolic away the rest of the weekend. It was really fun, but I am still recovering! I am so tired this week! We haven't had any sunshine since we got back, and that doesn't help! L to R: Lucas, Chelsea, my hubby Gary,Isabel and Aidan
And of course if you go to the Dells you have to have a hardy lumberjack breakfast at Paul Bunyans! Here is a pic of the kids with their grandmother! She is amazing! 83 and still kickin!
I am still working on new releases! I have one finished and going to the framers tomorrow. It is called Colonial Gardener. Here is a sneak peek!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

RIP Jippy! :(

We had to put our dog down yesterday after 17 years. He seemed to have a stroke, the right side of his body wasn't working anymore. He has been one of the family for so long, it is very sad to see him go. It is especially hard on my kids, as he has been around as long as they can remember. We love you and miss you Jippy!

July 1992

June 2009

Rest in peace Sha-poopie!