I joined
LIFEBOOK 2015 this year and boy am I
loving it! I am learning so much and every Monday new artsy goodness in my inbox! Yay!
I am not really interested in the self help and healing stuff- I admit I usually skip over that jazz. I am just not a person with a lot of angst, and I love my catholic faith, so it doesn't really appeal to me. But I am sure it is great for a lot of people, and anything that helps people be happier and create more beautiful art is a positive in my book.
Just not enough of that in the world!
So anyways, on to the eye candy:
All of the above are January art journal entries.. I probably should really call is ART PRACTICE, because as you can see I'm not really a big journaler in terms of words. I really am just practicing my skills and trying new techniques. It is more art exploration for me.
This one above is from the Documented Life Project. And again, this is the only planner page I have made all year so far. I'm not much of a planner person. I love creating the page but then I'm done and I never go back to it. Ha!
And this little beauty is called
This little girl was originally done in an art journal. I loved her so much I did her again on larger watercolor paper.
Fabriano Artistico Hot Press 140lb
to be exact. My favorite paper OF ALL TIME!!!
OK I don't want to over burden this post with pics. I will try to keep adding more to get caught up.
To see current work and whats going on in my studio follow me on instagram:
Stay warm!