Monday, December 31, 2012

Finished stocking

Happy Christmastide!
Such a busy time, I'm sure you are all just as busy too!
I did manage to do the finishing on the stocking on time.
My new son-in-law was simply thrilled, which of course made it all worth it!
His reaction was very sweet and gratifying!
 I love this stocking so much, and plan to make 2 more of Mary Beale's sampler stockings this year, one for my husband and one for myself!
Here it is with my other favorite stocking-my daughter's.
I made this for her when she was little, and I have always loved it so much. I don't know where the pattern came from-possibly one of those Vanessa Ann books, remember those anyone?
So the two stockings went to their new home this year, and I must say I will miss my daughter's. It is one of the things I have  treasured every year when I unwrap it for Christmas.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Annie! What a glorious finish!!!

Wishing you all the best as we ring in the New Year!!

Margaret said...

So so beautiful! Love both stockings, but the new one is my favorite! Happy New Year!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Both Josh's and Chelsea's stockings are beautiful! You should be so proud of them and I know they will be treasured for a very long time! Happy New Year!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Beautiful stocking. Congrats on your finish. Happy New Year!

Deb said...

Both those stockings are absolutely wonderful. I think that I have the one in my stash. You never know how beautiful things are going to come out until you see them stitched. Happy New Year!

Nicola said...

They are so beautiful. It can be hard to see your children leave home and make their own nests.

Vickie said...

So much work, and so beautiful! Treasures to be sure! A Blessed, Happy New Year to you!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

the stocking is simply stunning! Gorgeous!!!
Happiest of New Years to you and your family. May you all enjoy the bounty of God's blessings!

Mickaëla said...

Very beautiful stockings !
Have a good day!