Thursday, January 12, 2012

PDF Patterns in my Etsy Shoppe

I spent a good deal of time the last few days converting most of my doll patterns to a PDF format. 

They are now available in my Etsy Shoppe as E-patterns. 
This is such a quick and convenient way to buy new doll patterns. 

The pattern prices are a little lower, and there is NO shipping fee!
I have it set up so that as soon as I receive payment I will send the pattern file to you. 
You will never have to wait more than 24 hours, and in most cases it will be sooner than that. 

I am in the habit of checking my mail several times a day.
So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and have a look at my 


Jenny of Elefantz said...

Annie,that little girl doll is adorable! It's wonderful you are offering pdfs now. :-)

Jan Conwell said...

I hope you sell a bazillion patterns!!! :~P