Hi Annie! I stopped by to thankyou for your sweet compliments on my blog and Just about fell over when these two adorable bunnies appeared! How is the Alabama baby coming along? Just love it here.... I wish you'd put one of those "follow blog" gadgets on here so I won't miss anything again! Big hug, Nan
Hi Annie! I stopped by to thankyou for your sweet compliments on my blog and Just about fell over when these two adorable bunnies appeared!
How is the Alabama baby coming along?
Just love it here.... I wish you'd put one of those "follow blog" gadgets on here so I won't miss anything again!
Big hug,
Bloglines is messing with me again. It just now showed 10 new posts for you, so I've missed the day-by-day progression. I love your new dolls!!!!
Oh Annie...these two are sooooo cute! LOve your work...Susan
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