Saturday, May 9, 2009

Prom 2009

Sorry to bore you with pictures of my guy. This is his senior prom. He took the same girl last year when he was a junior. As a matter of fact, they just celebrated their 1 year anniversary last weekend! Aren't they cute!!!
I don't have a good full length shot because Lucas kept squinting, even though it was overcast? (?)
Lucas and Brittany

Senior Prom



CindyMae said...

Your son looks so handsome! His date is really pretty as well! Thanks for sharing with us, by the way it is not boring at all!!

Siobhán said...

Your son is so handsome--and what a cute couple they make! I hope they had a great time. :)

mainely stitching said...

What a handsome couple!! :D

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Your son is so handsome and they make a darling couple. My son's prom was this past Friday as well - fun times!!! Happy Mother's Day, Annie!

Jan said...

What a sweetly handsome son you have, Annie!! They make a great couple! Hope your Mother's Day was wonderful!