Friday, May 1, 2009

Early Works Mercantile

Some of my friends have put together a new selling blog to sell their primitive wares. If you love primitives, or like to decorate that way, check out this new artist group! Click HERE to go there.
Keep Stitchin'!~Annie


Anna van Schurman said...

The link isn't working.

Deb said...

Thanks so much for the link!

Siobhán said...

I love the May Day pictures! We used to do the crowning at our church in the US but haven't seen it done at Mass here, which is odd.

Love your progress on This Is The Day! It's definitely true about Birds of a Feather. They retired about a year ago, sold their fabric dyeing business, and are concentrating on the needlepoint canvas market. :( Bummer. I loved their stuff.