Click here to visit my new website!
I know I have been quiet on this blog lately-I apologize!! I have had life going 90 miles an hour lately!
I was in Washington DC when I got the sad news that my father-in-law passed away, that was a week ago last Friday. So we had the whole unpleasant task of funeral arrangements which fell heavily, but not solely, to my husband. We had a beautiful service on Monday.
At the same time I have been trying to meet some deadlines, get some model stitching done, and finally get my website completed and open for business! Yay! I am so happy to have a home on the web again! Please come take a look and see what you think! There are even some patterns on sale, and within the next week a new cross stitch chart!
Here is my new chart!(click on pic for a great close-up!)

I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your father-in-law. Wishing your husband and the rest of the family peace.
Love your new design! Off to check your website...
Annie, your new web page is really well done and it easy to find things.I love Hannah's stitchery heart. I have been doing stitchery pin cushions and enjoy doing them very much.
We lost my MIL in Nov. so I know your loss. It makes us the older generation and that does not seem possible.
judy j
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