Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve

My gang on the trail.

I really didn't take many pictures this year, we spent a lot of time lazing around at the pool. We only went to the beach twice to swim and it was overcast both times. We did go for a hike a couple of times at a local slough preserve. That is where all of these pictures are from. It was just beautiful! Do you see the little aligator?
I am ready to get back to work! I will be working on my studio space first and foremost. One of the things I will be doing is cleaning out my supplies, so look for some good bargains on ebay!

I went to a couple of quilt shops in Florida and have gotten all inspired to begin a new project. I picked up the new book from Blackbird designs, and then I ordered a jolly bundle from Fat Quarter Shop. It is called Dandelion girl.I am going to make an applique quilt.These fabrics are so pretty and inspiring!

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