Folk girl with flowers on ebay here.
This one I feel is a work in progress. I am not comfortable with it. I have to look at it and contemplate it a little bit. I'm not sure what it is that bugs me about it, but something does. Hmmm...

Click on picture for a closer view.
This is something of a self portrait of me as a kid. I was always, always jumping rope, it was my favorite activity for sure. When I was really small we had to wear those little red beanies so we would have a hat on in church, which we attended every single day.( I love to tell my kids that when they complain about going once a week!)
Oh Annie I Love the girl in the red dress . Love the trees !
I didn't even read your post or look at the other one .... I was too excited to tell you how much I like the red dress girl .
OH and when you have time [haha]
go back to my blog [ me with Jerry ] and read the other comments.
There is a link there that is so cool . It's a video of JERRY !!!!!The old TV show .
I'm going back to look at your other work now .
Love your red beanie girl TOO!!!!!
very sorry you lost a friend .
Okay don't be mad at me for all these comments ... you can delete if you want .
The ONLY thing I can even think MIGHT be bothering you is ..
everything is leaning left ?
maybe it just needs balance ?
it's not even bad the way it is ...
do you think that's it ?
BUT I still DO love her !!!!!
I love both of them. The first one could be jarring you because of the distinct symmetry or the contrast of red and green. Neither are working against it but maybe aren't what you intended? Sorry about your friend too. Here's to a better week ahead!
Sorry about your friend. I love the girl with the flowers. Maybe the girl in red is a symbol for busting loose, starting to be free, letting go, something like that. Hope you have a better week! Hugs***Renea
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