I had sort of a discombobulated week, in which it was very hard to get in the studio, and when I did I couldn't concentrate. We had a funeral this week involving the very untimely death of a friend. Everything just gets put on hold in these situations while you attend to the more important things in life. So as a result I have a couple of paintings that I feel a little uneasy about. This just brings home the thought to me that art is so personal. Whatever is going on in your life really gets reflected in it, whether you want it to or not. Whether you are the only one who can see it, its there.

Folk girl with flowers on ebay
here.This one I feel is a work in progress. I am not comfortable with it. I have to look at it and contemplate it a little bit. I'm not sure what it is that bugs me about it, but something does. Hmmm...

Click on picture for a closer view.
This is something of a self portrait of me as a kid. I was always, always jumping rope, it was my favorite activity for sure. When I was really small we had to wear those little red beanies so we would have a hat on in church, which we attended every single day.( I love to tell my kids that when they complain about going once a week!)