Hehe! I guess I was in church a lot last week.

I am so excited about what I am learning about color, color mixing and color harmony. I checked a really cool book out of the library called, "Color; A course in mastering the art of mixing colors" by Betty Edwards. She is the author of the Drawing on the right side of the brain books. This book is really helping me figure out how to get where I want to go-colorwise. I didn't have much time to paint this weekend, and when I can't do, I usually read in every spare moment.
Your little shepherd girl looks like stained glass . Did you ever try reverse glass painting ?
Just putting that in your head to make you crazy .... I think you're like me . We want to try it ALL !
I like your shepherd girl !
Your Snow Queen doll is so exquisite!
I'm going to introduce your site to my granddaughter to see if she'd like to attempt it. Bravo!
Annie - I love them so much
Hugs Lone
ooooh...she is gorgeous!! Hope you had a Happy Easter:) xoxox...jenn
She's so sweet! I love the colors and the composition of it all. Sheep dont get enough love in art I think! Here's to sheep!~
PS: Im going to add you to my bloglist if that's peachy with you :)
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