After much urging from my daughter Chelsea, I decided to put my last painting on ebay. I hope it will not sit there forlornly with no bids or even watchers. Somehow, even when things I've made don't sell, I cannot feel too bad if I have watchers. That lets me know at least people are interested. I was afraid putting a painting on ebay and having it not sell would take the wind out of my sails, so to speak. But it is actually this illness that is doing it. I have not been this sick in years. I did finally drag myself to the doctor to get an antibiotic. So finally today my throat is a little better. At least it didn't feel like a raging fire this morning when I got up-just more like being scraped across a gravely highway.
Hope all of you out there are in better health! I am looking forward to next week when I am determined to be feeling better and getting back to work. I have spent a lot of time looking at my house this week, so I will be doing a lot of home improvement chores when I get feeling better! ha! ha!
This is so cute!
I know how you feel when something doesn't sell or no one is watching. But surely your adorable flower=grow will sale. I do hope you are feeling better. I was sick week before last, it was awful. I too saw alot of the house, so this week I have been moving furniture, bought new lamps, comforter, framed art etc...So hopefully tomorrow I can put it all together. Hugs***Renea
Hope you are feeling better Annie !
what a beautiful painting!
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