I ordered a set of oil pastels the other day. The idea of working with them by blending with mineral spirits really intrigues me. Aswexpress has a wonderful sale going on until tomorrow, I simply could not resist. I ordered the Sennelier brand, which are the ones Picasso helped to develop. I hope they get here soon!

I worked on this watercolor today. This is an exercise where you make a sketch and then do a multi-color wash over it. Then after it dries a little you come in and paint the negative space behind the subject using the same wash colors. Its really cool to see the subject begin to pop out as you paint the negative space behind it. This was fun!
Also, I gathered up my courage and listed some of my paintings at my Etsy shop. I heard that Etsy is going to be featured on Martha Stewert tomorrow. I hope I get to watch it, but I probably will forget. My youngest has a half day of school tomorrow, so I probably won't remember. Grr!! As I said in a previous post, my kids never have a full week of school!
Who's Martha Stewart ?
Only kidding .... I don't even know when her show is on . I'll look it up and try to watch .
Have fun with the oil pastels .
You are being so adventurous .
You make me want to dig out MY watercolors and pastels !
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your paintings are sweet. And thanks for the heads up about ETSY on Martha. I need to watch. I have been wanting to open an ETSY shop but have cold feet.
Your paintings are GORGEOUS! Congrats on taking the plunge on Etsy! I'm so happy for you. I'm going to have to look up the MS show so I can watch it today. Have a blessed day...Susan
So glad you liked my wooden blocks. Just wanted to let you know that I am adding you to my link list. Hugs***Renea
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