Finally... I am done with my doll deadline! I am having a pattern published in Soft Dolls & Animals magazine in December, and the deadline was this week. So I have been going crazy trying to get it all together. It is a pattern for the Snow Queen above in the foreground. The finished doll has a crown and scepter and it dressed in a French style costume. I sent it off yesterday with a great *sigh* of relief. NOW!! BACK TO STITCHING-HOORAY!!
And finally...my first cross stitch design is ready at the framers. I will be picking it up on wednesday or thursday. It took forever, so I am going to have to get another framer-you know how impatient I am. :)
I am about 3/4 done with the model for my next cross stitch design too! So hopefully I will have that one finished and ready for press by the end of the month. So after what felt like a long sluggish summer is finally coming to fruition. The kids are back in school and I can breathe again! Woot!
I love your dolls - they are adorable! I can't wait to see your new design, I bet it's going to be great! :)
Your Snow Queen is beautiful! Congrats on making good progress on your projects!
How simply lovely :) Gorgeous! Their faces are really great :)
How simply lovely :) Gorgeous! Their faces are really great :)
How simply lovely :) Gorgeous! Their faces are really great :)
Annie! Your dolls are just gorgeous! I have one of your doll patterns but have yet to get the courage to start it. I'll be sure to look for the snow queen pattern when the mag is published. I'm also looking forward to seeing your cross stitch patterns!
Just absolutely gorgeous. I LOVE IT. The Snow Queen is now my favorite. Are you going to release this as a pattern? You are just so talented.
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