Here's a pic of some dolls I've been working on.
Summer is almost over, only one week left until the kids are back in school. I will miss them but at the same time I really need to be able to get back to work. It has been really hard to get anything done while they are home. Not a productive summer this year. So heres lookin' forward to a great fall!
Oh Annie!! I want that little gal tucked in the back with the crackle!!! ALL of your dolls are exquisite!!!!!
I am looking forward to seeing you and Cindi in October!
Annie, I just LOVE the shimmery snow lady, did you use glass glitter? And the hair on the one to the left is so interesting. Will these be up for sale on Etsy perhap? Sorry for all the questions, I miss ya. Hope you're doin' well :)
How beautiful your works in progress are. I can't wait to see them listed...I totally get the not getting things done in summer. Late August is back to work day for me.
Oh Annie..I remember those last days of summer vacation when the kiddos were young...It's okay to wish for some quiet time for your art. :-)
I used to tell my kiddos that after the morning buses picked up everyone and left the neighborhood, all the Mamas and Dads would come out in the street in their jammies and robes with their coffee cups and dance! They would just giggle and giggle at the thought...
I hope you survive your school shopping and enjoy your peace and quiet when they return to school!
Hey, Annie - you've been tagged to play the Name Game should you so desire. See my blog for details, but no pressure to do it ;-)
Can I delurk just to say that these are EXQUISITE! Jane Austen could write novels about these little characters...
Hey Annie,
I've just tagged you to post 5 random facts about yourself.
btw let's link our blogs. I'll add yours..mine is
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