Beautiful Isle of Palms, South Carolina! This is where we stayed, right on my beloved ocean! Wow! I loved it!

Some gorgeous Charleston architecture!

My beautiful girls shopping in Charleston. We discovered many secret gardens like this one they are standing in front of, hidden by beautiful wrought iron gates. Wow! Charleston just has so much charm! I really loved it! p.s.~can you see little Isabel grimacing from the horrible sunburn she got at the beach! Poor thing!
Isn't Charleston just beautiful :) I am about 3-4 hours away (depends on who is driving)...hubby and I spent our honeymoon there and we take day trips to Charleston on occasion :) Glad you had a lovely time :)
You are so lucky to live so close to Charleston! My dh and I are considering retiring down there. Not soon, an early retirement for him is still about 15 years away, but we love the south-so different from Chicago!
Oh I love Charleston! I'm so glad you had a great time!!!
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