Well the stocking saturdays aren't supposed to start until next weekend, but I couldn't contain myself and pulled mine out this morning. I had about an hour to stitch before I had to wake everyone up to get ready for Isabel's first reconcilliation. The boys were really good about getting up and getting ready. The service was very nice and not very long. I was surprised Isabel decided to go to confession to her uncle Ed.(he is a priest). She had a choice of about 5 different priests. But I guess she is not old enough to feel uncomfortable yet and she knows him well so she wasn't nervous.
Anyhow, I am not doing very well sticking with my stitching goals. I keep getting sidetracked by other things. This week I am going to try to get back to HOHRH, and get that third house done. It seems the only things I am working on consistantly are the travel pieces that I can work on at the doctors offices and dance lessons. I finished Home of a Needleworker. I love the way it turned out, and I hope to get it framed right away. I am so close to being finished with America by Little House. I just love Little House and Country Cottage. I love how quick they are to stitch. Its nice to have a finish so fast.
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