I love books written for kids! I think its an instant gratification thing-I can actually finish them quickly! haha! Here is a book that suprised me at how good it was! It is called "Dollmakers and their Stories", by Krystyna Poray Goddu. It is a series of biographies that are somewhat chronological in their effect on the doll world and its more modern development.The first one is Martha Jenks Chase,which is very interesting-especially the speculation on her face molding secret! It also covers Kathe Kruse, Sasha Morgenthaller,
Madame Alexander and Ruth Handler(of Barbie fame). What I really liked about it was that you really got a fairly good sense of what each of these women were really like, and what motivated them to do what they did. I really enjoyed this book and was able to find it in my local library-in the juvenile section of course! LOL!
Oh no, Annie! The spambots found you! You better turn on word verification for your comments. Thanks for the tip about the book-it looks awesome!
I am going to have to add this book to my wish list! Thanks!
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