Thursday, August 12, 2021

Nose to the Grindstone!

I am continuing to work away on my releases for Needlework Expo. A new development has happened that has helped me out immensely! My husband has begun to do all my photography! He is semi-retired now and I think he saw me struggling(and probably complaining) to get through my photo shoot, and he decided to take pity on me. He is actually an amazing photographer and I couldn't be happier with his work! So that is a huge load off because that is my least favorite aspect of what I do. I just don't have the patience for it and I can't seem to follow the basic rules of photography! LOL!

I will be releasing all my sneak peeks next week!

I am continuing to work on my civil war quilt. I started the first block with the needle turn method and I'm finding it just too tedious for this quilt. I think needle turn is great for large uncomplicated pieces, but this quilt just has too many corners and curves. So the next block I plan to do more prep work. I just broke down and ordered the Appliquick tools, I'm excited to see how they work.

I also prepped 2 more blocks for my Maggie Bonanami quilt called Village green. I have the center block and block 2 done. I prepped blocks 3 and 4, and Im hoping to get block 5 prepped today. Once I get all of them appliqued I will only have the borders left! I have a goal to get this done by October 1 so I can have it out for the fall before my Christmas decor comes out.

I finally decided which Blackbird quilt to make. I am going to do A Little Flower. This was a pamphlet pattern from 2016? I think? Anyhow I saw Kay Harmon's version and I just about died! LOL! So I started that too!

So many projects so little time! hahaha!

Happy stitching!

Visit my on Istagram: AnnieBeezFolkArt Visit my Etsy Shop: Visit my Youtube Channel: AnnieBeez FolkArt

Friday, August 6, 2021

Sneaking in Some Applique

I have been super busy getting ready for Needlework Expo. I designed a small to give away to shops as a freebie, but then I liked it so much I decided to release it as a pattern! So I am quickly stitching away on it to get it done in time. I will have to come up with a new freebie now! LOL!

I worked a little bit on my Hospital Sketches Quilt which was a free BOM with Barbara Brackman on her Civil War Quilts blog.
 It was released in 2020, but you can still get all of the blocks for free.

 I am going to make it for Chelsea, my oldest. I bought a couple of fat quarter bundles when I was at Hancocks of Paducah. One was Pam Buda and the other was Jo Morton. Can't go wrong with either of those! Here is the first block:

I just can't seem to get enough of hand applique lately. I keep seeing so many quilts that I want to make. This all started with the #BBDQAL (Blackbird Designs Quilt Along)started by Lori (Textilust) and Olivia(Olivia). But I have moved beyond that now and am so inspired by Reproduction fabrics and Civil War era quilts(my first love)!

Hope you get a chance to do some stitching, sewing or crafting today!

Happy Stitching!

Visit my on Istagram: AnnieBeezFolkArt Visit my Etsy Shop: Visit my Youtube Channel: AnnieBeez FolkArt

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

I Am Sable (Stash Acquisitions Beyond Life Expectancy)

Yesterday my Jane Austen quilt in its beautiful presentation box came in the mail!
I was waiting for this to come out and then somehow it fell off my radar, and when I realized it was available it was pretty much sold out! But I found one in a little brick and mortar shop in Michigan. The lovely owner shipped it immediately, it came in like 2 days!

Here is the beautiful presentation box!

The inside cover is lined with a print of Janes actual hand written letters!

Here are the beautiful fabrics:

Here is some information about the original coverlet. It was hand pieced by Jane, her mother and her sister Cassandra. They used scraps sent to them by her brother who employed a seamstress to clothe his 11 children.

Apparently I plan to live forever! This is a shot of my 3 quilt kits, but I actually have a few more kits not even started. (not to mention those that are in progress!)

Top to bottom: Sunday Stroll by Bonnie and Camille, Rue1800 by 3 Sisters,  Jane Austen Reproduction Coverlet Quilt

In other news,  I started session 6 of CWLive class with Teresa Kogut. I have been painting with Teresa on Tuesday nights since the first of the year and I really love it!

 Here is the first layers of a painting we are doing. The original has a witch on the right side, (but I don't really like witches so I took mine off and I'm just painting the pumpkin stack.) 
Its going to be really cute. 
On th bottom it will say" Tis aA Merry Halloween"

Hope you are having a great day and getting lots of stitching and crafting time!

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Quilting in the Hive

Yesterday I worked on my Layer Cake Pop quilts I am making for the girls. I have one completely pieced and all the blocks for the second one. I am working on the blocks for quilts 3 and 4. Yes, that's right, I am making 4 of the same quilt!
But they are going to look so cute in the girls room with their white metal frame beds.

                                    The pattern is free from Fat Quarter shop. I will link it here:
                                                             Layer Cake Pop Quilt Pattern

This fall I am planning to get some sort of long arm-is type of sewing machine. I have so many quilt tops that are not quilted. I am still looking around at what type of machine I want to get. I can't do a full long arm, but there are many sewing machines that are designed to make quilting on a domestic easier. Juki and Janome both have this type of machine.

Juki TL-2010Q Long-Arm Quilting & Sewing Machine

Or there is the Janome:

Janome Memory Craft 6650 

Both of these machines have a wider throat space to make it easier to maneuver all that fabric while you are doing the quilting. I am leaning towards the Juki because it has the extended table area and a wider throat space. It is simple machine with no extra bells and whistles(no zig-zag for example), but everything you need for quilting. Plus its about $600.00 less than the Janome.

Here is my basic layout:
There are 10" pink floral borders all around

Name blocks for the back from Lori Holt's Spelling Bee book.

I am super excited about this project and I can't wait to see them on the beds all lined up in one straight line, just like the little girls in Madeleine! (one of the girls favorite books!)

Keep creating!

Visit my on Istagram: AnnieBeezFolkArt
Visit my Etsy
 Visit my Youtube Channel: AnnieBeez FolkArt

Monday, August 2, 2021

 Long time, no blog!
 For quite some time now I have realized how much I miss blogging. When Instagram and YouTube came along blogging has seemed to go by the wayside. But those formats are just not the same. I love looking back on my blog and seeing what I was thinking, what my family was up to, and what I was creating year after year. Instagram is wonderful eye candy, but it is very in the moment, there is really no place for musings, etc.
 I have decided to come back to blogging just as a way to document what is going on in my life, with my design business, and whatever creative projects I am working on. I would love for you to come along for the ride! Leave me a comment and let me know what projects you are working on, how your family is doing or anything else you would like to tell me!

My last post on my personal life was Aug. 7, 2018! Needless to say a lot has happened since then!
We have had a Pandemic, which I won't go into, and the world is still in the throws of trying to deal with it. But on a personal note, since then my family has expanded greatly! Lucas and Emily got married in 2019 and now have a 2 year old little boy named Mase. He is a real cutie!
Masao Edward

Can you believe this is Lucas? Ha! I know! He is a grown bearded man now! LOL! 
He did graduate from Marquette and is now a Computer Engineer at a very up and coming company in Milwaukee.
Aidan has added another baby girl to his little family! 

Genevieve Arlene

and has also become a Police Officer in Racine Wisconsin. We are so proud of him and so happy that he is finally fulfilling the dream he has had since he was a little boy! Here he is at his graduation from the Police academy with all of the "cousins"

Aidan with most of our grandkids!

Chelsea and Bo have added to their brood as well, they now have 5!
My sweet little Nellie was born in 2019, and they finally had a boy in 2020!
Naomi Nell

Elias William

So that's the family update. Onto there creative life!

I am exhibiting in Needlework Expo at the end of the month, so I am busy getting all of my new releases ready. I will have 5 new releases. Here is a sneak peek of my new chart called Pumpkin Folk:

I am really busy getting everything ready for my booth. I will show more in future posts.

I am also working on some quilts. I truly love hand applique and right now that has really been my focus. I have joined in on the Blackbird Designs Quilt Along that is going on right now hosted by Lori Textstylust and OliviaB on Youtube. So far I have made 2 pillows tops. One is from the book Fresh Picked:

This is a really big 24 inch pillow! I want to make another on of a different block to put on my bed.
This is how it looks in the book. I love it so much!

I want to make the quilt too!
Of course the Needlework community is so sad about the passing of Barb Adams, one of the dynamic duo of Blackbird Designs. It is so so sad and the needlework world will really mss her. I feel my little stitches are something of a tribute to her legacy. She was a really sweet and talented lady. I met her twice at the Nashville Needlework show and she was just as sweet and down-home as you would imagine. 
Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and I will be updating regularly, even if no-one even reads it!


Visit my on Istagram: AnnieBeezFolkArt Visit my Etsy Shop:
 Visit my Youtube Channel: AnnieBeez FolkArt