If this blog has any purpose, it is to remind me of where I am supposed to be focusing my energies. Ha!
Her Majesty's Glove designed by Nostalgic Needle |
One of my goals for 2013 was to focus my energies on embroidery.
I fell into an apathetic hole from the end of 2011 until October of 2012 and barely picked up a needle, unless forced to for commissions and such.
Granted 2012 was the "Year of the Wedding" which was all-consuming and incredibly stressful.
ABC123 by Annie Beez Folk Art new design |
But who am I kidding.
When it comes to the arts, my heart is FICKLE!
I have lamented this fact many times over the years on this very blog!
ANY type of art can turn my head and then I am running after it with the reckless abandon of a co-ed in the springtime!
Bluebells free design by Laura J. Perin |
In my defense(and I cling to this pathetically) I have just published 2 cross stitch designs, one of which is the last chart in a series which has only taken me 2 years to release!(my extreme apologies to those who have been stitching this series!)
And I am writing an article for Prims magazine that will accompany an oil painted doll they will be featuring. So not a complete slacker!
3 dimensional bird design in surface embroidery by Annie Beez Folk Art |
But, even though my focus is embroidery, I now have no less than 7 embroidery projects in the works. These are projects out on my work desk or set up in various frames in my studio.
Beetle and Berry Stumpwork Embroidery by The Floss Box |
This does not include WIPs or UFOs, obviously!
Only 1 is cross stitch.
At least the rest are embroidery,
(even though I can hear my watercolors calling me and I am pretending not to hear!)
So I am boldly calling this Focused Fickleness!
And I am keeping the faith that, as Mrs. Haynes(my daughter) said, God made you this way for a reason. So the reason must be that all of this exploring adds to my development as an artist, right?
That sounds good, I'm going with it!
I'm not a 1 book at a time reader either! |
Do any of you have trouble seeing a project through to the end?
Or are you one of those 1 project at a time stitchers?
(I envy you!)