Oh I've been a bad bad girl! I haven't posted or read my blog(s) is so long! I have been so busy with all of the activities of the season, and both my sons sport schedules have really heated up in December. Also my mother has just gotten over a horrible staff infection-which lasted for weeks and involved many trips back and forth to the doctor. So its been busy, busy, busy! But I am done with my Christmas shopping and just have this little half day before my youngest is off for Christmas vacation for the next 2 weeks.
I have been busy this season making hand made cards-what fun! I have a good friend who is a Stampin up demonstrator and of course she got me addicted. (it wasn't that hard, I am an easy target!)

I have also been slowly working on my next model. I say slowly, as I just don't seem to be able to sit down and work on it. Too much stuff going on. But I am nearly done, and then I will have 2 new charts to release in January. Here's a sneek peek of "I love Ewe"!

I am hoping in the year 2008 to really start cranking out some stuff. I have learned punch needle now pretty well, after a couple of Punch and Cookie sessions at my LNS.(I didn't really need more than one session-it is that easy to learn, but I found I enjoyed the company). So I hope to produce some cute punchneedle designs. Also, I hear the wool calling to me, so I think I will be doing some wool applique and some rug hooking in the fututre.I am hoping to release some designs in January and then concentrate on some new stuff for the April Online Needlework Show, and in between sell some handcrafted stuff on ebay. As you can see, what really plagues me is my desire to have my fingers in dozens of different pies! But it keeps me busy and excited!
Merry Christmas to all of you who are of that persuasion, and Happy Holidays to those of you who aren't. I hope you all enjoy the warmth of this season as I am lucky enough to do with my family and friends!