Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Exciting news!

First of all, look at my new little baby grand child!! 
This is our first and we already know its a girl and her name will be Amy Ren.
We are SO excited! She is due June 26!

Her middle name, Ren is the same as my daughters middle name. All of our children have Japanese middle names, because my husband is half Japanese. Its cool that they are continuing that tradition.

And the other exciting news is that I have a doll and article published in 
Prims Magazine!!!

How exciting is that!!!

I have been so busy I haven't been completing a lot of art, so hence not much to blog about.  But I am taking an acrylics painting class at my local art league, which is keeping me sane during all of the chaos.

Isabel is recovering very nicely from her torn ACL, doing all of her exercises and going to PT(physical therapy)  twice a week.
She doesn't even have the crutch or leg brace anymore! Woot!

She is also graduating from 8th grade this month. Anyone who has had an 8th grader in a catholic school knows, the spring is loaded with "last time" activities. Last home games, last May Crowning, last school play, etc etc. In the next 2 weeks she has an all day school trip to Chicago(a little worried about her being on her  leg all day), 7-8th grade banquet, Confirmation, and graduation. 
Isabel and her best friend Brittany at May Crowning. Brittany got to crown Our Blessed Mother!

on June 10th my husband and I leave for an 11 day trip to...
Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Rahpael, here I come!!!

So excited!!! And 4 days after we get back our little Amy is due!!

Happy days at the Belcher homestead!!!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Amy is on her way!

My first grand daughter in there!
A new painting, my first in a while.
I am taking an acrylics painting class at a local art league and just loving it!
Also starting to do some collage work and working in my art journal again!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Missing in action

I'm still here! I promise!
My 14 yr old daughter Isabel has just had knee surgery after she tore her ACL playing basketball.

Isabel having her dressing removed-we'll spare you the gory details!

Life has been a mess, and I have only had time to keep up with orders and check in once in a while.  She is a brave girl and I cannot believe what she has had to go through so far. And the therapy is just starting.
I have been playing with raised embroidery on wool felt whenever I can catch a moment.

I had the idea to create a wool embroidery piece for my soon-to-be-born grand daughter. My daughter is trying to put together a nursery with bright colors and a woodsy theme, so my mind  turned to the Waldorf inspired toys and rainbow palette. I have been having some fun with this!
Wool picture using a Salley Mavor pattern as a jumping off point
I will be framing this in a shadowbox type frame when completed
So that's where I've been.
 I am enjoying using the bright colors-makes me feel like spring will actually come!
 We have been having a really late winter with January type temperatures in March!
Hopefully that will end soon, I mean its almost Easter!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Blackbird Design Exchange

I just got word that my partner Conny received my little Blackbird piece, so now I can post pics. This was a fun little stitch and a fun finish!

Buttons and Pins by Blackbird Designs

So cute! Don't you think?


Quilty Neighborhood Framed!

Quilty Neighborhood by Annie Beez Folk Art
I have to say I am really happy with the way the black frame pulls all of the black in the piece forward and tones down the yellow orange sky. The frame really added balance to this piece.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A little more stumpwork

Working on this little by little in between printing and filling pattern orders.
Rose and Pomegranite design by Jane Nicholas

This is really fun and challenging!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Sneek peek on new chart!

Folk Art Flowers by Annie Beez Folk Art
This is my newest design release! It is stitched on 40 ct. Light Examplar by Lakeside Linens, using DMC. I just love this linen, the slight color variations are so pretty. This will be in my Etsy shoppe and shipping to distributors next week!
Thanks for looking!