Thursday, October 23, 2008

Feeling Stitchy!

I had a little bit of time last night to sit and relax, so I picked up Houses of Hawk Run Hollow. I am in a very stitchy mood! I finished my latest model, the one that there is a sneak peek of below. Now I need to frame it and do a photo shoot, and it will be ready to be released! But in between I was able to pick up a piece that
I am working on just for myself!So here is my progress on Hawk Run-I have been working on this for over 3 years!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So much craziness!

I have been SO busy in the last 2 weeks, that now I have gone and gotten myself sick! It is some kind of a virus that is just hanging on-ugh!

We have seen the end of the soccer season-with a tough loss in the first play off round. My son Lucas is a senior and this was his last game ever, as I doubt he will play in college. I have cheered him on in soccer for 13 years, its hard to believe! But he started when he was just 5!

Over the holiday weekend we visited some colleges, Marquette and Bradley University. Lucas wants to go into Bio-medical engineering, and the program at Marquette is really fabulous! But WOW! is it expensive! We won't know if he is accepted until next February, and then we have to start crunching numbers and see if we can afford to get him in somehow, but I really feel this is the program for him. I have found out that getting your child into college is akin to a full time job! Scholarships alone can take up a LOT of time. And then there is the fine art of getting your high school senior to actually apply!!(can you say senior-itis!)And Aidan is just 2 years behind him, so we will be doing it all again in another year. But it is worth every minute! I will be the happiest mom in the world as soon as my 2 guys are happily settled into a good school-I never went to college, so this is a BIG DREAM for me!(ok, I went to local JR college-but its not the same)

The high school football season is also winding down. Last Friday night was our last home game, and it was cold! let me tell you! I think that's partly why I have been sick!

And, my mom and my daughter Chelsea and I spent another day canning applesauce. The first time we only got 6 jars, so we decided to do another batch. This time I went and talked to the local farmers market people and got some really good advice on what type of apples to use and how many. So we did an entire bushel of a mixture of McIntosh and Cliburn apples-wow were they good! They were so easy to mash and I did not even have to add sugar at all! We also grated and froze 22 bags of zuchini! Yum! Tomorrow we are canning a half bushel of pears! There is nothing like having 3 generations in the kitchen working together-we really have fun!

I am still getting my website together-I will be so happy when I have a little cyber home again! I think it is really going to look great and as soon as I can open I will have a pattern sale!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I spent the day with my mother yesterday making homemade applesauce! Gotta "preserve" those old traditions! Ha! Ha! We had SO much fun!

Next week we are canning pears!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

News and Correction!

The mess I make runnin' my little business!

Well the orders are almost ALL FILLED! Yay! But on the downside! :( Mary Kathryn emailed me with a correction to one of my charts! Wow! I try so hard not to make mistakes but the Good Lord is bent on keeping me humble. :)

NW~07 American Promenade
The model WAS stitched on 28 count CASHEL linen! As MK rightly pointed out, there is no such thing as 28 ct. Belfast! hehe! Thanks Mary Kathryn, I truly appreciate you taking the time to point this out to me! Sorry folks, hope it hasn't caused too much confusion!

As for the news:
I am now working on opening a new website! Since I closed my old site in July I have really missed it and find that working through s blog is just not as effective. So I am getting a new site ready that will feature all of my patterns. I confess that in the future I will not be selling much finished work. The times are just too hard and I cannot get the return for my time investment. So it will be mostly patterns and charts from here forward. My new slogun:

Annie Beez Folk Art
Patterns and Charts for the Needlearts!


Friday, October 3, 2008

The Online Needlework Show was very, very good to me!

I had a great show! Made lots of money and got lots of new orders from shops that I have not dealt with before! So exciting! So now I am busy, busy, busy filling orders and getting them all mailed out along with a freebie chart for the shops to distribute! Want a copy of my freebie chart? Its a folky little sheepie design called Let your Heart Shine. It is similiar to this, just different wording:

Send me a LSASE and I will send you one!

Email for my address to:

And here is my finished American Promenade, back from the framers. It turned out SO spectacular!

And as a special little teaser, here is a sampling of the newest design I am working on! I am about 1/3 done with this one! Loving these colors!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Online Needlework Show is up and running!

There are really some great new designs! Its so fun to browse through all of the selections, I love it! You can see them here! Have fun!