Friday, April 4, 2008

A still life and a rework

Oh what fun I had painting this still life! I was going to be all fine arty and make a serious painting, but then I just couldn't resist putting one of my little chickies in there! Peep!

I decided to try and paint this little folk girl again, since the first one was in a sketchbook and not a finished painting on a canvas. I have loved the paintings of the old itinerant folk painters such as Ammi Phillips, and even went to Colonial Williamsburg to see them in the folk art museum there. They are really cool in real life. Anyhow these 18th and 19th century portraits really get me going, so I had to try doing them in my own style. I am almost finished with another one-the best so far. I can't wait to show it to you, but it is not quite ready!

Blue Vase and Folk Girl with Doll are on Ebay now.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ebay 99 cent sale!

These 2 paintings are in their final hours at ebay. Check it out if you want a great painting at a bargain price!

And for doll lovers, I have listed several more doll patterns at half off and lots of them starting at .99!

Check it all out at Ebay!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Glitter and Grunge!

Hooray! My artist page is up at Glitter and Grunge! I'm so excited! Be sure to click over and take a look! Tell me what you think!

Click here to go to Glitter and Grunge!

Monday, March 31, 2008

This is why I'm always broke!

Look at the damage I did today!

I had to take Isabel to the uniform store because her school went back to the regular uniform today(as opposed to the winter uniform where she can wear slacks) and let me tell you it was far!I got a little lost too which was kind of scary. But anyways, I thought as long as I had to go to BFE I would take the opportunity to go to Dick Blick. Wow! What a store! I could have spent hours in there! Instead I spent plenty of $$! But best of all, I found out they have opened a store really close to where I live! I am so excited about that!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hey I made a Flickr set!

I made a Flickr set just for my paintings. You know, when I see them all together like that I feel really proud! They actually look cohesive and like they all came from one artist. I guess I've finally graduated from novice to having my own look. That is really EXCITING to me!

My Flickr Photos

I am doing housework today. My kids go back to school tomorrow-spring break is over-yay! (aren't I mean! but man, I've got work to do!) But during the break we played a lot, my sis was in town from Minneapolis and I really let-my-house-go!! You should see it, it looks like a house of squalor! I have the Mt. Everest of laundry, and everything needs a-moppin! But tomorrow when all of the offspring are in school I will be able to paint with a happy heart!

Friday, March 28, 2008

My paintings are going to debut on Glitter and Grunge!

Starting on April 1st~oh wow! April Fools Day-look out! Anyhow, beginning April 1st my paintings will be sold on the Glitter and Grunge website. I am honored to be showing my paintings with so many great artists. Check it out here!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Art Institute of Chicago

I went to the art institute today! I just got back. I dragged my whole family there, even the teenage boys who profess to care so little for art! It was glorious for my soul!!!
Of course the AIC has a huge collection of impressionist art. It is so cool to see really famous works in real life. I loved these 2:

And there is a wall of Cezanne which I just couldn't stop looking at. Why is Cezanne so emotional for me? I'm not sure, but looking at his paintings evokes emotion from me every time!

But one artist I have overlooked in the past is Pissaro. His work is huge and requires a few steps back to really see. Breathtaking.

We really had fun looking at the modern art. Aidan(15 yrs old) does not think Piet Mondrian belongs in any art museum! But his interpretation of Salvadore Dali's Eternity was really astute. Oh we had fun! fun!