Monday, April 9, 2007

Secret Stitcher!

This came in the mail the other day, from my secret stitcher! I signed up for a year long secret stitcher program at my local EGA chapter. I was surprised I got something already, I just signed up March 27th! This is SO cute, and it was such a thrill to get something so perfect in the mail!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sampler Garden completed!

I can't believe I finally finished something! Its a stitching miracle! LOL!
This is the Eileen Bennet class piece from the workshop I took from her on St. Patty's day. I loved every stitch of this piece! All the specialty sampler stitches were so much fun. I don't think I would have been as successful with the colonial knots if I had not seen them demonstrated. They were a little tricky. LOVE this piece!!
This has really awakened in me my love of intricate stitches. I've been doing a lot of pieces lately that are strictly cross stitch. I think I will definitely be adding some more projects with interesting stitches in them.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Oh Dear!

I'm afraid I overdid it a little at the workshop this weekend! Not by stitching too much, (God Forbid!), but by SPENDING too much! Eileen Bennett was wonderful!! and she brought along lots of books,and charts for sale, so naturally I had to partake!!!

Here is what I bought:

Here is the project we did.
It is a brand new class piece called Garden Sampler. It is a 17th century style band sampler with LOTS of fun stitches on it. 17 old sampler stitches are included : cross, double cross, small cross, elongated cross, marking cross, long arm cross, framed up-right cross, cross stitch with bar, back, flat stitch square, double back stitch with bars, buttonhole bars,four sided stitch,knit stitch, small rice stitch, queens and colonial knots.

It is so colorful and lots of fun with all the different stitches. Each band is only a little over two inches wide, so it goes very fast.

Can you see my colonial knots? They are so beautiful with two colors of blue. The green flower base is rice stitch, so it really has a beautiful texture.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Eileen Bennet workshop

Tomorrow I am taking a sampler workshop from Eileen Bennet! I'm very excited about it! It is from 9AM to 4PM, and my hubby took the day off to usher the kids around to all their activities. So I have a whole day to enjoy! Yippee!! On Sunday at my regular Guild meeting, Eileen will be giving a lecture on sampler research. A great weekend!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I have been quiet. It is not that I haven't been stitching, I have been working diligently. It's just that WHAT I'm working on is a secret! I'm terrible at keeping secrets of the good kind, so I don't know how long I will be able to last. But I will have big news soon!

Here is my progress on CHS primitive stocking. So close, so close!(just trying to distract you there!)

Monday, March 12, 2007

She done me proud!

Wow! These are pictures of Cassandra, a cat doll made from my pattern F121~Angeline! Isn't she wonderful! This cat was made by Joyce Tenay of Ragpatch Primitives. I LOVE her addition of whiskers! What a great idea! You can see Joyce's doll at auction here.

Monday, March 5, 2007

February accomplishments and March goals

In February as far as my stated goals...I did N-o-t-h-i-n-g!!!

Here were my sad little goals:

1.finish house #3 of Hohrh No
2. block #2 of Days of AdventNo
3. work on Jonah from Plum StreetNo
4. America by LHN and then a new CCN or LHNNo
5. get Home of a Needleworker framed, and do finishing on quaker reindeer and little bunny.NoNoand finally a YES!

I resolve to try harder this month, but I think I need a revised goal list! LOL!

1.finish house #3 on HoHRH
2.finish CHS primitive stocking
3.get Home of a Needleworker framed
4.Bent Creek monthly snappers January
5.Country house SAL~January,and February
6. mystery project #1~make progress
7. mystery project #2~finish

My 2 mystery projects are some special little items I'm working on that cannot be revealed until they are completed. Nuff said!!