Monday, February 25, 2008

Do you ever get to the point...

where you just have to take a step back , give it a good look, and then admit your work has problems?

I worked on this one all day today. There are some things I like, but it has some major composition problems. Probably because I didn't really sketch it out well before I started. I was too excited about the cool background I wanted to try. See the little polka-dots back there? That was created by laying circles punched from contact paper lightly on the surface, and then painting a wash over them. I allowed the paint to seep under the contact paper and it created a very subtle design. I learned this technique while reading a collage book by Claudine Hellmuth, last week when I was sick. I couldn't wait to try it out.

Then I went forth with my painting and 3/4 of the way through realized my bird was floating in mid-air. And not flying either-that would make sense-just sort of aimlessly floating there. So I gave him a branch. And that made the rest of the space look too empty so I added a couple more flowers. Then I only had one leaf in the whole thing, just one little bit of green. This bothered me so I added green polka dots on all of the sides. That was ok, but my branch just ended abruptly at the edge of the canvas, while the flower wraps around. Oh what to do! I could continue to paint the branch around the side, but then the tongues at the top and bottom seem to end abruptly. AAhhh!! So now I am toying with just painting all of the sides black. But should I try to remove the polka dots and the flower wrap around first?
And just now, while looking at photos of my piece, (which is a good way to get another perspective), I am thinking AGAINST painting the sides all black. I think I could wrap the tongues and branch around the sides. I would only have to remove 2 polka-dots. Or maybe collage right over them? Hmmm...I don't know. What would you do?

Friday, February 22, 2008

A good morning...

and that was all. I painted this little painting and then went back to bed.Funny how that was my one priority. OK, well I did do the dishes but that was it. I laid in bed all day reading books about collage art. (what did I say about prioroities?) I didn't get my errands done, so tomorrow I have a lot to do. Sunday is a brunch for my Mom's birthday, she is turning 82. We are also celebrating Isabel's birthday which is on Tuesday. So I have to go get a gift for my mom and make 2 quiches for Sunday. Here's to a better tomorrow. :)

I like this little painting very much. I think I am getting better. I am not ready for prime time yet, but I really find all this painting so exciting. It makes me very happy. :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I feel lousy!

I have a stupid head cold. Last night I took some Nyquil and it made me feel drowsy and out of it all day today. I only took half a dose too. I didn't paint at all or get anything done really. And tomorrow I have to run around all day doing errands. Blah! That means I only got 1 painting done this whole week. That stinks.
I feel really down and out of sorts. Maybe I will try to paint tomorrow morning and do my errands in the afternoon. Isabel is going to a friends house after school which essentially means I have until 5:00PM before I have to be home. Yes, thats the ticket. I can work until at least noon or 1 o'clock.

I spent a lot of time today looking at other people's work and trying to feel inspired. Do you ever do that? Cruise around bloglandia just looking for inspiration? Its kind of fun. But today I was feeling so lousy I just got depressed that all of these artists are getting so much done while I am sitting here~a worthless lump~getting nothing done. OK, enough of that! I have learned not to go there! Better day tomorrow, right? I will post a pic of a past creation just to make myself feel better, and maybe it will inspire someone else!
These dolls are a set of twins I did in 2006. I like their collars. Is it me or do they both look like they smell something bad?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Imagination...a breath of air

Painted on 4" X 5" chunky stretched canvas! I just keep painting away, what do you think?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Art Happens

The top picture is my empty planter that has been hanging out in my dining room waiting for spring. Isabel deposited her latest drawing there and it just looks so cute! I love it that our house seems to be brimming with creativity lately. I have really been feeling great and getting so much art done, Isabel is loving her drawing class. Chelsea, my truly talented little artist has been painting again, for the first time in a couple of years. We all seem to be working away happily in the evenings while Aidan is writing at the family computer, and we are all listening to music that we mutually like. Lately it is a mix of old and new that Aidan has on his ipod. Things are blissful around here, if a little messy.
The second picture is my 4th painting I have made in the last week. I just can't stop painting. Every time I finish one I have an idea for another and I have decided not to be a killjoy and make myself do the art I think I "ought" to do. I'm getting out of my own way and just letting it flow! It feels great! Yay for me!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

To all of my friends...

Old and new! Happy Valentines Day! You all brighten my day! Thank you so much for visiting!